Migrating timeouts
The Framework can be used in conjunction with the terraform-plugin-framework-timeouts module in order to allow defining timeouts in configuration and have them be available in Read
Specifying Timeouts in Configuration
Timeouts can be defined using either nested blocks or nested attributes.
If you are writing a new provider using terraform-plugin-framework then we recommend using nested attributes.
If you are migrating a provider from SDKv2 to the Framework and you are already using timeouts you can either continue to use block syntax, or switch to using nested attributes. However, switching to using nested attributes will require that practitioners that are using your provider update their Terraform configuration.
If your configuration is using a nested block to define timeouts, such as the following:
resource "timeouts_example" "example" { /* ... */ timeouts { read = "60m" }}
Import the timeouts module.
import ( /* ... */ "github.com/hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework-timeouts/datasource/timeouts")
You can use this module to mutate the schema.Schema
as follows:
func (d *ThingDataSource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req datasource.SchemaRequest, resp *datasource.SchemaResponse) { resp.Schema = schema.Schema{ /* ... */ Blocks: map[string]schema.Block{ "timeouts": timeouts.Block(ctx), },
If your configuration is using nested attributes to define timeouts, such as the following:
resource "timeouts_example" "example" { /* ... */ timeouts = { read = "60m" }}
You can use this module to mutate the schema.Schema
as follows:
func (d *ThingDataSource) Schema(ctx context.Context, req datasource.SchemaRequest, resp *datasource.SchemaResponse) { resp.Schema = schema.Schema{ Attributes: map[string]schema.Attribute{ /* ... */ "timeouts": timeouts.Attributes(ctx), },
Updating Models
Given a Read
method which fetches the entire configuration:
func (e *exampleDataSource) Read(ctx context.Context, req datasource.ReadRequest, resp *datasource.ReadResponse) { var data exampleDataSourceData diags := req.Config.Get(ctx, &data) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...)
Modify the exampleDataSourceData
model to include a field for timeouts using a timeouts.Value
type exampleDataSourceData struct { /* ... */ Timeouts timeouts.Value `tfsdk:"timeouts"`
Accessing Timeout in Read Method
Call the timeouts.Read()
func (e *exampleDataSource) Read(ctx context.Context, req datasource.ReadRequest, resp *datasource.ReadResponse) { var data exampleDataSourceData diags := req.Config.Get(ctx, &data) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } readTimeout, diags := data.Timeouts.Read(ctx, 20*time.Minute) resp.Diagnostics.Append(diags...) if resp.Diagnostics.HasError() { return } ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, readTimeout) defer cancel() /* ... */}